Qurbani Skins Collection

Qurbani Skins
Qurbani Skin Collection

Collection of Qurbani Skins during the Month of Bakrid. The Association was able to garner a sum of Rs.14,640/- through the sale of Qurbani Skins during the month of Bakrid 2013,as against the target of Rs. 14,000/-.

We greatly appreciate Bakrid Qurbani Skin donations from volunteers which will greatly help the underprivileged and downtrodden of the Muslim community. All the donations directly go to the educational funding and the exact details including the donors and the beneficiaries, will be posted on our website as well, from time to time.

Our Activities

Scholorship Grants

Scholorship Grants



Donation Collection

Ramzan Donations

Qurbani Skin Collection

Qurbani Skins Collection